Yoga Festivals & Events 2018

Some of the best Yoga festivals and events 2018 are


Yogaworld, Munich:


Austria, Wels, 10th Yoga Conference:



19. International Yogafestival, India:

Wanderlust, Turtlebay Resort, Oahu / Hawaii:


Bali Spirit Festival, Indonesia:


Kundalini Yoga Festival, Gamlitz (Styria, Austria):

Open Space Yoga, Switzerland:

Yoga Summit, Ellmau:

Spirit of Nature, Germany:


Namaste am See (Wörthersee, Austria):

Lakeside Festival (Neusiedlersee, Austria):

Dutch Yoga Festival (Netherlands):


Barcelona Yoga Conference:


Copenhagen Yoga Festival, Denmark:

Moutain Yoga, St. Anton, Austria:


Sound & Silence, Corfu / Greece: (Jai Jagdeesh Live!!)

Kitzbühel Yoga Festival:


Tattva (Gamlitz) Achtsamkeitstage:


Yogaplanet, Vienna:

…Enjoy your practice! 🙂 

Picture Credits: Yoga Expo

The Illusion Of Choice

#nonduality #advaita #illusion #choice #advaitavedanta #source

When I was 11, I told my mum my biggest dream was to become a singer and dancer for musicals and I asked her to pay me singing, dancing and piano lessons and to arrange me an appointment at “ORF Kiddy Contest”, a tv casting show for dance-kids. Basically I asked her to be like the mum of Britney Spears. Unfortunately my mum was very, very, very different. She told me: “No. And nobody wants to see you dance or hear you sing anyway”. That was the end of my original dream.

So I took my second choice. It didn’t sound so bad. I wanted to be a news anchor. I was 19. So I applied for a job and, surprisingly, I became a local TV news anchor (and also a radio host for a daily show) and I was obviously really talented. So I wanted to learn how to make TV news, went to a school abroad, got my diploma and … didn’t get a job. Again my dream had died.

Then, at 22, I went on to my 3rd choice: being an entrepreneur, study pharmacy and inherit my father´s apothecary shop. But after 12 years of hard work, endless horrific chemistry labs at the university, a 2-year-master-thesis and 85 out of 94 exams, I was let down and thrown out by my dad. I knew I could never finish my studies without the money for food and shelter, so I understood, that my 3rd dream had died.

So I went on to my 4th choice at age 36: I wanted to have my own yoga studio. I spent my last bucks on the yoga teacher education and on renovating my apartment into a yoga studio (tearing down walls, laying a new floor, painting the walls etc), but the day I was finally ready to open (even my schedule and homepage was ready), the WKO (=Austrian federal economic chamber) threatened to sue me because my neighbors didn’t want me to open up a yoga studio in our house and I knew I would never achieve the rights for it at court. A girl with only 2 cents in her pocket can’t win against the lawyers of the church (the house was built on catholic ground), the banks (who owned quite a few apartments in it), and the lawyers of the federal economic chamber. My 4th dream had died under the pressure of the state.

Thank-source Advaita (or nonduality) found me in 2015! It taught me that we HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE IN LIFE and NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY: if something is not written in our fate, we will NEVER NEVER EVER reach it. If it´s not ours, it will never be ours, no matter what.

Knowing this, I went on to my 5th “choice” in life (this time knowing it was never my choice in the first place): becoming a Communication Manager. It felt like coming home after a long pharmacy-detour. Of course I know exactly, that if fate does not want me to have any success in this area either, it won’t bring it around, and vice versa: if success is in the source´s plan, it will come to me.

So now, after all my beautiful dreams have died (and I often cry because it still hurts that I could not live my potential), at least I know that everything that happened was perfectly right, because the source has planned it this way for me. And there is no need for control. No need for me to alter anything about it, because it was right from start to present.

So every time I cry at night, and my mind comes up with thoughts like “If only I could turn back time, so that I change my choice and don’t have to feel all this pain!”, then I remind myself that choice is only an illusion, that we are puppets on strings, doing what is told by source.

Life is good.

Life is.




Pic via scarflove on Tumblr

Paleo AIP Raw Morning Glory Muesli

When you start a Paleo or AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet, you also become creative in using alternative aliments. It´s especially hard to find something good for breakfast. To create your own Paleo Muesli Mix, use this advice:


  • earth almond flakes
  • coconut flakes
  • raisins
  • fruit
  • almond coconut milk


You can add up the same amount of earth almond flakes (which is not a real nut, therefore allowed in AIP, but also called “tigernut”), coconut flakes and raisins.

I mix these ingredients in a big bowl, and then fill it into a big pantry jar.

Then every day I add different kinds of my favorite fruit (I love it with strawberries, blueberries or pear) and some coconut-almond-milk. I know that almonds are not allowed in AIP but for me it´s the best compromise as it´s not really edible with coconut milk only  🙂


This breakfast will keep you sated for long but it´s my habit to always have water and some dried fruit in my pocket. For those of you who are only on a paleo (not an AIP) diet, I also recommend to always have some nuts on the go if a hypoglycemia kicks in. For tiny snacks I also love “The Primal Pantry” raw paleo snack bars.


#paleo #AIP #AutoimmuneProtocol #diet #healthy_food #muesli #breakfast #raw #ThePrimalPantry


Trommelbau Workshop

Unter der fachlichen und humorvollen Leitung des Bayerisch-stämmigen Simon Rank habe ich dieses Wochenende mit meinen eigenen (überraschend fähigen) Händen eine indianische Trommel gebaut und mit einem Ritual eingeweiht. die Investition von etwa 300 Euro war jeden Cent wert: gearbeitet wurde in der Kleingruppe, sodass keine Betreuungslücken entstehen konnten und die Hausherrin bereitete Snacks, Obst, Kaffee und einen hervorragenden Marillen-Kuchen als Verköstigung.

Meine Materialien (im Workshop-Preis inbegriffen sofern keine weiteren Angaben):

  • Weiden Rahmen (20 Euro Aufpreis)
  • Ziegen Haut um die Trommel zu bespannen
  • Sonne aus Pferdehaut
  • Perlhuhn-Federn (günstig, aus dem Bastel-Laden)
  • Gaukler Adler Feder (35 Euro)
  • Kaninchenfell, weiß
  • Rindsleder-Streifen für die Umwicklung des Halte-Kreuzes
  • einige Perlen (Holz, glasierte Keramik)
  • Zier-Schnüre: Garn, Vorhangschnur, Lederschnur
  • Filzball, Treibholz-Stab aus der Mur (für Trommel Schlägel)


Verwendete Werkzeuge & Utensilien: 

Schere, Teppichmesser, Holzleim, Säge, Lötstift, Schleifpapier (grob/fein), Holz-Schnitzerei-Werkzeug, Akkuschrauber / Bohrer (für ein kleines Loch im Schlägel), Schraubstock, Holzbrett & Aluschiene / Metall-Lineal (zum exakten Schneiden des Leders), große Steine aus der Mur (um die Tierhäute im Wasser zu beschweren), Hand-u. Geschirrtücher, Leder-/Gürtel-Lochmaschine

Zunächst begann das zweitägige Seminar mit dem ausrollen der Trockenen Tierhaut. Während sich meine Kollegen für Hirsch, Pferd, Steinbock oder andere Tiere entschieden, wählte ich die zarte leicht zu bearbeitende Ziege. Aus ihrer Haut schnitt ich eine runde Scheibe in der Größe des Rahmens (plus 10cm Durchmesser) sowie eine möglichst lange (in meinem Fall etwa 6m) Schnur mit 2cm Breite aus. Beides Wurde im Wasserbad eingeweicht, mit Mur-Steinen beschwert und etwa 6 Stunden eingeweicht.

In der Zwischenzeit wurde der Ast für den Schlägel bearbeitet (Sägen, Schleifen, Bohren, Zuspitzen), der Filzball auf den Spitz geleimt und der Schlägelgriff mit Lederband umwickelt sowie verziert.

Im Rahmen wurde mit einem heißen Lötstift das Datum und der Name der Trommel (in meinem Fall, “Setu”, also “Brücke” im Sinne von Brücke zur Spirit – Welt) eingraviert.

Die Tierhaut wurde aus dem Bad entnommen, ausgewrungen und Löcher wurden rund um die runde Trommelhaut gestanzt (in meinem Fall im Abstand von je 5cm). Die Tierhaut die zur Schnur umfunktioniert wurde, wurde rund um die ganze Trommel durch die Löcher gefädelt (zu einer Art äußerem Haltekreis), dann die Trommel bespannt und schließlich wurde die sogenannte “Sonne” (kreisrundes gehärtetes Hautstück das später den Haltegriff tragen wird) in die Mitte der Trommel gelegt. Während eine Person helfend die Sonne hält, fädelt der zukünftige Trommelbesitzer die Haut-Schnur zwischen der Sonne und dem äußeren Haltekreis sternförmig ein.

Dieser Teil der Arbeit, war ruhig und meditativ, ging aber auch stark in den unteren Rücken. Danach wird an kleinen Details gefeilt, die Sonne nochmals zurechtgerückt, die Schnüre nochmals reihum festgezogen und verknotet, überstehende “Eselsohren” nach unten gedrückt, das Haltekreuz eingewebt und zum Schluss wird die Trommel zum trocknen über Nacht aufgestellt.

Am nächsten Morgen wurde das Haltekreuz erst mit einem Unterfütterungs-Leder umwickelt, dann mit dem Leder in einer Farbe unserer Wahl. Durch die mehrfache Wicklung ist die Trommel später leichter zu tragen und ein frühes Ermüden der Hand wird verhindert. Wir nahmen letzte Änderungen und Verzierungen vor, ich entschied mich für die sauteure aber sehr hübsche Adlerfeder um meiner Trommel einen Hauch Exklusivität zu verleihen.

Zu guter Letzt wurden die fertigen Trommeln nach einer kleinen Pause mit Melkfett eingerieben und mit einem Räucher-Rassel-Ritual eingeweiht. Wir spielten gemeinsam in der Runde während vor dem Fenster Wind, Regen, Blitz und Donner tobten. Ein erhabenes Gefühl.

Nach unserem Abschied ging ich trockenen Fußes zur Bushaltestelle und ich bin schon gespannt wie meine Katze auf die Trommel reagieren wird. Wir bekamen auch eine Gebrauchsanweisung mit auf den Weg: mehrmals im Jahr mit Fett pflegen, nie zu lange starker Hitze, Sonne oder Feuchtigkeit aussetzen und am besten in einer Ledertasche aufbewahren. Vor dem Spielen die Spirits sanft wecken, in dem man mit der Hand über die Trommel streicht. Reinigung nur mit einem feuchten Tuch. Die Trommel darf auch bemalt werden, dies solle aber nur mit natürlichen Pigmentfarben-Pulvern aus dem Fachhandel geschehen.

#Trommelbau #Workshop #NativeAmerican #IndianischeTrommel #ShamanDrum

Raspberry Ice Cram: Paleo, Raw, Autoimmune Protocol Friendly

In order to make delicious ice cream all you need is a heavy duty blender and the following basic ingredients:

  • Frozen Raspberries
  • Banana
  • Coconut milk

Mix until you have the consistency you like & enjoy! If you want to use sweetener, I recommend honey or “sukrin melis” (fermented fruit powder). To spice it up, think of cinnamon or freshly pressed lemon juice.


Foto via

Schoko Pralinen: Roh Vegan Paleo

Anbei mein selbst kreiertes Schoko Pralinen Rezept, auch geeignet fürs Autoimmunprotokoll.


  • Erdmandelflocken 30g
  • Kokosflocken 35 g
  • Datteln (entsteint) & Feigen (getrocknet) 120 g
  • Kakaopulver 45g
  • Kokosöl (geschmolzen) 50g
  • Honig nach belieben

Für die Hülle:

  • Sukrin Melis (Puderzucker-Ersatz aus fermentierten Früchten)

Tipp: Wer Paleo macht, kann die Erdmandelflocken durch Pinienkerne ersetzen (im AIP sind Nüsse jedoch verboten)

Die Zutaten im Mixer in eine klebrige Masse umwandeln, eventuell noch einen Schuss Kokosmilch dazu geben, falls es zu wenig weich ist. Dann die Masse in eine Schüssel geben, Honig hinzufügen und diesen mit einem Löffel gut einrühren.

Aus der Masse einzelnen Kugeln formen und diese in Sukrin Pulver rollen. Dann mindestens 30min im Kühlschrank abkühlen lassen und servieren.

Wohl bekomm´s!


Bild via

#SchokoPralinen #Raw #Vegan #Paleo #AIP #AutoImmuneProtocol #SarahBallantyne

The coldness of surfaces

We´re living in peculiar times: everything looks cold, sleek, simple and unromantic. From architecture to technology and female beauty ideals. The philosopher Byung-Chul Han mentioned in an interview with the “Zeit Online” that he sees a connection between the iPhone and a Brazilian waxing. He says the root cause of this love for sleekness might be a kind of avoidance behavior. We don’t want to get hurt and what has scratch marks or flaws, looks hurt. I feel caught in between: my minimalistic side understands why people are fascinated with smooth empty surfaces, but my romantic, creative, playful side is longing to live in “la belle epoche”. So I soothe my eyes by going into nature to see lifelike curves, colors and (sur)faces. The face of a duck sometimes seems more beautiful to me than a human duckface photography so to say. I suppose I will find what I am searching for at the park of the local castle: a lake with my feathered friends, maybe a maze, a herb garden and very old high trees that encourage my fantasy like a muse and let my mind time travel into times when men still asked women to dance and made marriage proposals. I admit, I am very influenced by the amazon prime series “Z” right now. This beautiful story will enchant every woman that loved Edward´s prehistoric charms if you know what I mean. I am still curious to find out about this city that (up until now) mostly showed its harsh side to me. I don’t give up yet.


Picture via Google (Schlosspark Eggenberg)


Interview with Byung-Chul Han:

Life is this.

If you would have asked the 20 year old me “Where do you see yourself in 15 years?” the answer probably would have been a contemporary society brainwashed capitalist phrase like “I’ve been married for 15 years, have a child, a house, a car and am a successful TV news presenter”. Now that I am 36 what I can actually say is:

“I have a cat. And a cat allergy”.

I don’t even have a university degree. While it might sound quite depressing at first, then again when I think of what my friends have gone through in their divorces and what they had to compromise in order to have kids, I sometimes think I was lucky in a way. It probably depends on how you want to see your story: from the angle of darkness or light. But what if you would stop judging it at all? Wouldn’t it be peaceful?

Did you ever notice your life turned out completely different than you thought? I came to the conclusion that life doesn’t owe me (or any other human) anything. Not a career, not a husband/wife, not a home, not kids, not even a pet. To some of us, sadly, it doesn’t even deliver food or shelter.

Life just is.

It doesn’t follow  allegations and surely not anyone’s wishes or dreams. There are no rules to this game called life. It just is. Recently when I sat in my car on a long drive over the highway this sentence popped up in my head:

I am only here to witness.


Pic via Pinterest

Coping with your own and other people´s addictions

According to my experience the most common addictions in late capitalism humanity are:

1. Thinking (uncontrollable Mind, “Mindfuck”, “Hirnwichserei” in German)
2. Talking (unstppable verbal diarrhea)
3. Watching TV
4. uncontrolled media consumption (Social Media, Newspapers, TV, Internet, Netflix, Amazon Prime etc)
5. Shopping (also online)
6. Internet addiction
7. Gambling
8. Substance abuse (Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs)
9. Sport addiction (Yoga, Jogging, Fitness Studios etc)
10. Binge Eating and other eating disorders
11. Sex addiction
12. Addiction to contacts (no healthy solitude in silence possible)
13. Compulsive action (Addiction to washing your hands repeatedly etc)
14. Amendment addiction (self- and foreign optimization “I can improve (you) by…”)
15. Perfectionism and addiction to tidyness (Cleaning Flashes, Decluttering Addiction etc)

I hardly know any person who doesnt at least have one of these addictive behaviors in his or her life. What did I do to protect myself from them?

ad 1) For the mind, meditation has turned out to be a great factor, but according to the latest science outcomes, only if you practice it on a regular basis.

ad 3) Since more than a year I dont own a TV and I dont miss it. Sometimes I buy DVDs on the flea market for 1 Euro and watch them on my Laptop

ad 4) In 2016 I tried to go 4 months without Facebook and it was the best time of my life. I plan to quit it again soon.

ad 5) As I sarted to practice minimalism I eradicated shopping clothes or cosmetics (and decluttering is my substitute addiction for that).

ad 6) I have never had Netflix or Amazon Prime, instead I read more books than ever. The internet is still tempting me with Youtube, Pinterest and Blogwriting.

ad 8) Substances like alcohol can be reomoved best with a certain cause: in my case it is losing weight and detoxing in order to reduce my autoimmune sicknesses.

ad 9) Some of my former addictions that I´ve overcome obviously turned into a kind of “better addiction” called Yoga. The same underlying behavior mechanism are behind it though. And I see that in a lot of yogis, especially those who practice excessively and with a certain goal (“I will do the splits in 3 months” etc). This is, btw, a complete misunderstanding of the purpose of yoga, because it is about self acceptance rather than self optimization.

ad 14) I dont need any improvement for myself or others (most of the time) as I know that everyone´s perfect anyway since I´ve come across the Advaita Vedanta philosophy in 2015.

ad 15) I refuse to give up my perfectionism though. I am addicted to the compliments I get for the tidyness of my apartment. I admit it.

Pic via Pinterest

How to quit your job for good

How to quit your job forever and be self employed

by Marlan Darras


  1. Write out a plan

For instance: “I want to earn a living with affiliate marketing. I want to make 100.000 dollars a year by the 10th year in that job. I will reach this by doing x,y,z…”

  1. Save all money to survive for 6-12 months BEFORE quitting your job

Only pay rent, electricity and food and every other penny you SAVE. As soon as your bank account reaches the number of this “cushion” you planned, you can quit

  1. Work nights and weekends (two fulltime jobs) to build up your side business (affiliate marketing). Don’t have any social life. Focus on building your own business.
  1. Once the side business is running well, slowly shift to your own business by working for YOURSELF at the workplace of your boss. First 80% boss, 20% your thing and gradually shift to 50/50 until you can quit.
  1. Do a trial run

take a week of vacation from your boss and work full time in your side business. Find out how much more money you can make when you work fulltime on your own business.

  1. When you quit, don’t be mean to anyone

Leave on good terms. Say goodbye politely because you are going to need these ppl if your business fails (for getting a reference at least)